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A culmination of over two years of Research & Development, in partnership with top Pickleball pros such as Tyson McGuffin, the VANGUARD Power Air addresses the need for both power and spin. 

As professional Pickleball became increasingly focused on power and spin over the past 2 years, the larger community discovered the benefits of power and spin, especially when it comes to dominating opponents. VANGUARD Power Air technology was developed to champion these players and provide a paddle that enables full control of the court, with performance power and maximum spin. 

The first iteration of this technology was developed in Selkirk Labs and launched as Project 002. Utilizing Labs member feedback, Power Air optimizes the 002, providing additional control from the SuperCore, enhanced consistency with 360° Proto Molding, and next-level aerodynamics and edge durability with Aero-DuraEdge Edgeless technology. 


*See UP YOUR GAME Section for information on Power Air Comparisons

Vanguard Power Air S2

  • Power Air S2 Specs:

    Midweight Range: 7.7 – 8.1 oz. -  Custom weights are not available

    Paddle Length: 15 3/4"

    Grip Circumference: 4 1/4"

    Grip: Selkirk Geo Grip

    Handle Length: 4 3/8"

    Paddle Width: 8"

    Face: Hybrid Blend of Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber

    Core material: Polymer Honeycomb

    Core Thickness: 0.5''

    Edge Guard: Edgeless DuraEdge

    Manufacturer: Selkirk Sports

    Assembled in the USA

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